We are CYAN.

CYAN’s mission is to strengthen Canmore by connecting young adults (18 to 35) with each other and local resources, while empowering young adult voices.

Canmorites face the highest living wage in Alberta ($38.80 in 2023), yet many young adults are employed in low wage hospitality and service industry jobs.

Therefore, to create an inclusive Canmore where young adults thrive and play an active role in the community, CYAN provides affordable events and access to resources.

I really wish I wouldn't have to break the bank every time I go grocery shopping! 😕
You don’t!! Did you know the Bow Valley Good Food Box lets you buy affordable groceries every month? 🍌 🍎 🥑
OMG what? No way!! 😲
Yep! Learned about it on CYAN's website. You should check out their resources!

CYAN's got you covered.

There are lots of free resources available that will make difficult topics like housing, healthcare or groceries easier. We're here to connect you with them.


What are CYAN's values?


We help young adults belong in Canmore, not just be in Canmore. 


CYAN seeks to deepen connections with the land we occupy, and the people we live here with. We help young adults realize they are part of a wider network of people.


CYAN commits to providing programming that is available to everyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion or income level.

Donate now!


CYAN provides affordable, by-donation events to help young adults connect with each other. Meet new people, make friends and become part of the community.

See & book CYAN events here!

Stay in touch!

For updates on all of our events, please sign up for our monthly newsletter.

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